Important Dates:
Monday, March 27 – PTO Meeting, Cafeteria 6:00 pm
Thursday, March 30 – Spring Pictures
Saturday, April 1 – PTO Mother-Son Dance, Gym 6:00 pm
April 3-6, Book Fair
Math Learning Goals: Measuring Angles Using Protractors
4.6D-(R) Classify two-dimensional figures using lines and angles
4.7A/B – Illustrate angle measures in degrees
4.7C-(R) Measure angles
4.7D-(S) Draw angles
4.7E-(S) Determine angle measures for non-overlapping adjacent angles
Math Homework: Due Thursday March 30th
Homework was sent home Friday, March 24th and is due back the following Thursday, March 30th.
Science Learning Goals: Compare and Contrast States of Matter
4.5A(R): Measure, compare, and contrast physical properties of matter, including mass, volume, states (solid, liquid, gas), temperature, magnetism, and the ability to sink or float.