Important Upcoming Dates:
- Monday, October, 17, SCHOOL HOLIDAY
- Thursday, October 20th 4th Grade Field Trip to Texas Oil Museum- cost per student $6 cash
Math Learning Goals: Decimals on a Number Line
4.4A- Add and subtract whole numbers & decimals to the hundredths place. (R)
Math Homework: Math HW due October 13th
- Math HW was passed out on Friday and is due the following Thursday, October 13th
Science Learning Goals: Food Chains and Webs
- 4.9A Investigate that most producers need sunlight, water and carbon dioxide to make their own food, while consumers are dependent on other organisms for food.
- 4.9B Describe the flow of energy through food webs, beginning with the Sun
Science Homework: Study Science Vocabulary
- Study science vocabulary words. Science Vocabulary Test is Thursday Oct. 13th.